Thursday, April 8, 2010

Hey DJ, Turn That Sheet Up

I'm sitting with my computer in Bridgetown Pizza on the water (top 40 blaring at top volume), attempting to fend of free shots (failing) and TRYING to write a first draft for a story about our China adventure (again failing), due TOMORROW MORNING. Oh how I love a tight deadline. It's the only way to work, right? At least with writing. Part of my desire to work in makeup was the immediacy of the thing. Do it, it's here, now and over with one round of Clean n' Clear. But writing? Whole other beast. I love it though, and it is making me feel sane again for the first time since I left PDX airport last Friday evening, saying goodbye to my new family of beautiful, inspiring Portland fashion people. It is them I am anticipating tonight (texting them every few minutes, confessing my love and inquiring about ETA), but really I know once they get here, all bets are off (as they say). No more writing, just talking and discussing, dreaming, etc. So despite appearances, I am actually grateful for a moment to begin processing what we've been through, the growth I've experienced.

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