Enjoy these flowers by master Irving Penn. They are on my walls and have been in Vogue and in very lucky galleries and can serve as inspiration for a subtle kind of beauty. A beauty that is perhaps more than it seems... and is life even if at first seems like a death.
I'm going to be bossy today. Look at these flowers. Listen to this music. Maybe it will be just what you need! Music heals by giving voice to those crunchy hard places within. The heartbreakingly beautiful songs by The Idan Raichel Project have helped my core find voice for years.
(I allow myself only one or two regrets per lifetime. One involves letting go too quickly of a great guy I met in the dorms freshman year of college. Best French partner ever, and so cute, though irritating that our French teachers thought so too and gave him better grades on our group projects.) The (one) other regret is missing the Idan Raichel Project when they came to U of Oregon and gave a free concert--I even interviewed and wrote the damn article about them! But now that is my new life mission.
Even the titles of the songs carry an agonizing grace: Im Telech (If You Go), Hinach Yafah (Thou Art Beautiful), and my lifeline: Bo'ee (Come With Me). I go crazy if I don't do a mediation run to Bo'ee at least a couple times a week. When I need a little extra love, I turn it way down on my iPod and sleep with it playing into my ears on repeat. If you iTunes it, you will understand why. It is just the right vibration. Resets me. The perfect tool to give me an instant connection to that inner sacred, centered space within me. I can't understand the Hebrew words, but my soul knows that same sad song--Come with me, even though I know you can't.
No matter the season: Siyaishaya Ingoma (Sing Out For Love).