Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Judge A Moth By The Beauty Of Its Candle

Sure, much can be discovered through solitude. But what about the absolute divinity of most precious friendships? If your friendships are anything as wonderful as mine, I'd work hard to keep them fresh and healthy. Here, a dearest and bestest friend of mine Scott playing out in the Black Rock desert. You can bet our friendship is made of being awake, late and loud into the night.
The Waterwheel 

Stay together, friends.
Don't scatter and sleep.

Our friendship is made
of being awake.

The waterwheel accepts water
and turns and gives it away,

That way it stays in the garden,
whereas another roundness rolls
through a dry riverbed looking
for what it thinks it wants.

Stay here, quivering with each moment
like a drop of mercury.


1 comment:

Alison Nicole said...

I absolutely LOVE this photo of Scott. Perfect in every way.