Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Keep An Ever Curious And Loving Eye On Yourself

Oh my good god I love this.

Shot by Garance DorĂ© during fashion week. I want to crawl right into this outfit and make it my uniform for the rest of spring. I love this too, also from Garance:  "I have a huge admiration for women who have enough perspective of themselves to let their wardrobe evolve throughout each period of their lives. It’s not so much about imposing skirt length, but just keeping an ever curious and loving eye on themselves. The kind that makes life a long and fantastic adventure."

And in case you are wondering, I am planning on getting back to posting poetry and my own shoots soon enough. I'm conceptualizing some editorials (Ben thanks for the nudge) and writing, writing, writing.

1 comment:

Darren said...

Yea for nudges, and yea for more poetry! Keep it coming Carrie :-)